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Writer's pictureJessie Mullins

Channeled Angel Message for Age of Aquarius

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

This is something I shared in social media at the end of December 2020. After I channeled this angel message last night, I felt like this older post is something I needed to share here too, in a more permanent place:

This message for humanity came through so clearly yesterday!! And it matches up with some earth angel stuff on December 21 that I was told not to share yet because right now with this spread is the time to share. On December 21 during the global meditation, I was singing in light language in a meditation bath. I didn't know the exact meaning of the words coming through but I could feel the purpose flipping back and forth between "This is to make me bolder in sharing this" and "This is to help awaken other earth angels." When I got out of the bath, I felt like I was supposed to jar the water because the water was holding all that light language. And my guides told me to take that jar with me on our Winter Soltice walk. I figured I'd pour it out in thanks to Mother Earth or something. But on our walk, my guides said, "This is the tree. This tree is going to soak up the light language and pass it onto the other trees around the world, and all those trees will pass it onto the people." I said, "This tree? This tree by the side of the road? Not some kind of older, cooler tree deep in the dark woods?" "This tree." Okay. So I poured the water at the base of this tree and talked with the tree about what I was told. I thanked this tree and that was that. Then I got this deck as a gift from my sister for Christmas, and I immediately knew it tied in with the trees and earth angels! So I sat down to ask about that, and this message came through. It's important, so please read and please share! Each card meaning is written under the card. 🌳 This beautiful deck is by Allyson Williams-Yee of Soul Trees. 💗

Card 1 - How are the trees going help awaken earth angels and uplift humanity? - They want to help us begin the Age of Aquarius! The Age of unity in humanity, of free-spirit, of spiritual growth! Trees are key for us as we transition from now through 2024.

Card 2 - How does humanity need to work with trees during this beginning phase? - We need to learn because trees have a lot to teach us. Read about them. Sit and meditate with them. Talk with the trees because as hippie dippie as this sounds, the trees have a lot to teach us. They've been around for a loooooong time, and they've been given information we need. They're ready to give it to us if we're ready to be teachable.

Card 3 - What do we need to learn about our true selves in order to learn from the trees? - We need to see the unseen in ourselves. Look with our spiritual eye, not our physical eyes. The information coming through the trees will be absorbed through our psychic senses, so it's time to get more comfortable and practiced receiving information that way. Plus we need to understand, we're spiritual beings primarily! We live in a body now, but we've been alive for a lot longer than we've had these bodies. Time to tap into your infinite soul being.

Card 4 - How can we open our third eye? - The opposite of compassion is judgment, and that's where the collective has been living. In judgment with others and ourselves, and that's clouded our third eye because as we assume we have all the answers about everyone, everything, and ourselves, we leave no room for something new and unknown to come through for and within us. So stop judging others. You really don't know the whole story, I promise. Stop judging yourself. You don't know the half of your magnificence, I promise. Stop judging what is possible because we live in an infinite and mysterious universe as infinite and mysterious beings! Anything is possible. Drop the judgment. Let compassion take hold. Once you see others through the lens of compassion, you see love instead of projections. Once you see yourself through the lens of compassion, you see yourself as worthy of receiving and taking part in grand and magickal love and power. And when you get in that place, you'll finally be able to see with your spiritual eye.

Card 5 - What else does Spirit want us to know? - While you were reading this, if you felt called to take action on something, take it. We're in the beginning right now. It's time for us to start this right now. So if you need to walk through the trees, do that. If you need to take compassion on yourself or others, work through those shadows. Whatever spark you felt, you felt it for a reason. You read this for a reason. Don't go away and let whatever you were led to do fall through the cracks. Take the initiative and play your part in uplifting humanity into the new age.

So much love to all you earth angels! 🙌💗


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