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What is Shadow Work?

The roots of our problems lie in the shadows. The keys to our healing lie there too.

Nature Art Prayer for Age of Aquarius

On the Aquarian full moon, I channeled this nature art along with a prayer. I want to invite you to tune in and explore what you feel...

How to Create an Altar

How to create an altar, what to put on your altar, how to cleanse your altar, where to place an altar, right way to do an altar.

I'm Sorry I Wasn't a Better LGBTQIA Ally

A silent ally is not really an ally! So I wish I could go back in time and say, "I'll die on THIS cross today. IT'S OKAY IF YOU'RE GAY."

Happy Birthday Card Spread

This 8-card birthday-themed spread is the perfect birthday gift for yourself or a friend.

Creating Boundaries with an Open Heart

I did a full moon card reading for myself and asked where I needed to align my heart to better live from a place of love. The message I...

Awaken Earth Angels, a Channeled Message

The light is breaking through. The light is breaking through. The light is breaking through. The infrastructure is collapsing. Unfurl...

Channeled Angel Message for Age of Aquarius

This is something I shared in social media at the end of December 2020. After I channeled this angel message last night, I felt like this...

My Shadow Work in Solitude

"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write that truest sentence that you know." Ernest Hemingway I used to think about this...

Deconstructing from Christian to Spiritual

I wrote this post exactly a year ago today on Facebook, and it just came to mind today in a conversation with a friend. My friend is...

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card The Office

Hello magickal people! This is the series where we mix two of the best things ever: Tarot and The Office. Our previous card was The High...

The High Priestess Upright Tarot Card The Office

If you're a fan of Tarot and a fan of The Office, you're in the right place because this is the series where we figure out which tarot...

The Magician Reversed Tarot Card The Office

Welcome back to the conference room. I hope you all learned something from yesterday's sexual harassment seminar. Today's business...that...

The Magician Upright Tarot Card The Office

Heyyy. It's the series where we explore which tarot cards are our favorite Office characters! I. The Magician (Upright) Visionary...

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card The Office

Hellooooo magickal people! This is the series where we learn Tarot through the best show ever: The Office. 0. The Fool. (Reversed.)...

The Fool Tarot Card The Office

0. The Fool. (Upright) Beginnings New Journey Trust Hope Optimism Innocence Spontaneity Eccentricity And our Office Fool is... Michael...

Learn Tarot with The Office Characters

Tarot cards are full of archetypes and follow the hero's journey, so it can be a lot more fun to learn Tarot through your favorite...

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