Hellooooo magickal people! This is the series where we learn Tarot through the best show ever: The Office.
0. The Fool. (Reversed.)
Easily fooled
Poor judgment
And our Office reverse Fool is...
Erin Hannon!
Don't get me wrong! Erin is super lovable. But in her naivete and unworldliness, she's not the brightest star in the sky. Remember when Erin was easily fooled by Clark into dressing like a sexy news anchor so she could try out for a job she wasn't even remotely qualified for? Or how about when she thought she had to date Gabe because he was her boss? Not that we blame her for that poor judgment call. Creepy Gabe shouldn't have asked! Ugh. Still, from her inexperience with stocking pens, to hiding in her safe place hair when her feelings get chaotic, we can't not appreciate a certain sunny charm she brings to the office.
Up next is The Magician. Can you guess who it is? Drop your guess in the comments and then head over to see if you were right!
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