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Writer's pictureJessie Mullins

Creating Boundaries with an Open Heart

I did a full moon card reading for myself and asked where I needed to align my heart to better live from a place of love. The message I got is something I think a lot of people will relate to, so I want to share.

In one area, the realists in my life have been trying to protect my dreamer heart, and I've been like, "I don't need protection! Let me get hurt if that's what happens, but let me dream!" That sounds dramatic, but it's how I feel. 😄In another area though, in an attempt at creating boundaries for myself, I've closed my heart to form a selective protective shield AKA a boundary. Or at least I thought it was selective, and I didn't really think of it as closing my heart. But the closed heart was illuminated in a full moon card reading I did for myself, and I saw my "boundaries" for what they really were. "Just close my heart to this because I need to care less about it...but then over here, I'll have an open heart and be totally receptive to the Universe...all cool here? Cool cool." Except you can't selectively close your heart. Your heart is open or it's closed. So are you blocking something good from yourself because you also have shields up to protect yourself? Yup, me too. Are you willing to sacrifice the good stuff just so you won't have to feel pain? I'm not! I'm not afraid of feeling the hard stuff (enneagram 4, hello), but some people are (I see you enneagram 9s). And some people like me think we're just creating boundaries. Boundaries are good and necessary, and they can be hard to figure out when you're feeling hurt and either being too rigid or too loose. Connect to your heart, create the boundary that feels right, and then check in with yourself often to see if you need to tighten it or loosen it. Boundaries can be hard to figure out and every situation is so unique! Trust the process and get to know yourself through it. Journaling, card reading, full moon illumination and such can help. Those help me big time. But make sure you're not closing your heart. Keep your heart wide open. It there's pain, sit with yourself in it and feel it all. Love yourself through it. Get help if you need to. But keep it open because it's worth all the good stuff that comes with an open heart too.

Happy full moon, loves. 🌕

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